David Allison - Chiropodist

David Allison, D.Ch.

David Allison is a licensed member of the Ontario College of Chiropodists. He offers a complete range of chiropodist services (often referred to by clients with the more common US term – podiatrist services).

While treating his chiropody clients he saw there is a need for this type of therapy in the Beaches-East York and wanted to bring the area this extraordinary technology in a full scale laser therapy treatment facility.

Since beginning to offer the BioFlex Laser Therapy to his clients, the clinic has been showing great growth and it has been amazing to see the power of the Bioflex laser.

David is excited to see so many long term issues cured, surgeries cancelled, prescriptions for pain killers cancelled, people back performing their sports and tasks without pain holding them back.

Pinpoint Laser Therapy doesn’t deal in pain management. David is committed to the healing of your problem and that will include eliminating your pain.

David knows there are many skeptics when it comes to new technology in the health and medical areas, he was one of them. It took David 20 years to see the power of the laser, and through years of research and conferences and knowledge gathering, David believes and has seen the healing power of BioFlex Laser Therapy.

If you are a skeptic, do some research, or bring in your pet for a treatment. While your pet can not thank you or tell you conclusively that it works, they will show you in their actions – they will walk, run and play significantly better!

David is committed to your healing, and wants you to be too. To use laser therapy a little, or only periodically will not be a benefit to you. You will need a full treatment program that will allow your body to respond to the power of the light.

A let’s see if it works approach is not our goal. IT WORKS. If it didn’t David wouldn’t bring it to his clients. You will need patience and a full understanding to see results. You will become an excited expert and partner in your treatment with David, and you will be amazed at the results.

About BioFlex Laser

Meditech International Inc. was founded by Fred Kahn MD, FRCS(C) in 1989. Over the past 20 years, the company has developed the BioFlex Series of Low Intensity Laser Therapy Systems, the most advanced and effective devices available on a global basis. Incorporating basic research, scientific knowledge and clinical expertise, the company has developed protocols for a vast array of medical conditions including soft tissue and sports injuries, arthritis, back problems, wounds and many dermatological problems.

David Allison, owner of Pinpoint Laser Therapy uses exclusively the BioFlex Laser system. He does so because it is the premier laser on the market today and is highly effective for the issues David sees in his Chiropractic practice – The Foot Guy – most often, which focus on musculature and skeletal joint problems like arthritis, Degenerative Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis/Sciatica, Disc Herniation, Myofascitis, Ligament/tendon/muscle tears, Knee dysfunction (Meniscal/ligamentous tears), Tendonitis (supraspinatus/achilles etc.), Plantar Fasciitis – to name a few.

Laser is used for many things. Some lasers cut and are painful – these are called ionizing lasers. The Bioflex Laser is a non-ionizing laser. Ionization is where radiation becomes damaging to cells. Non-ionizing lasers regenerate cells – all cells. When the energy in the cells is depleted, inflammation which is there to heal becomes trapped in the cells – when it repeats it results in the healing process, without completion, pain remains. In the area where you have a problem, the Bioflex Laser allows light radiation, to stimulate your biochemistry. It increases energy in the cell and pushes out the old dead inflammation allowing new inflammation, which starts the healing – thus the tag line:

Technologically Advanced Natural Healing

Once the new inflammation has done what it is created for the pain and the problem recedes, leaving you pain-free.